Just Purchased A Home Or A Business ?
Do You Know Who Has Keys To Your Home Besides You?????

Like Previous Owners, Contractors, Real Estate Agents, Neighbors,Ex Husbands, Old Boyfriends And The List Goes On..............

Don't place your family or your hard earned property at risk!

Re-keying Your Existing Locks is the Answer to this problem!

Don't Buy New Locks, Re-keying Is Easier And Costs Less

Important Home Security Information

Many home builders install Grade 3 deadbolt locks on the homesthey build. These locks may look and operate as if they are high quality and you may think that a lock is a lock, but don't be fooled by appearance. The housing of this lock can be hollow and the strike applied to the door frame can be a thin and weak material with 3/4 to 1 1/2 inch small diameter screws only fastened to the frame or molding.

A Grade 2 deadbolt however may cost 3 times the price, but you get what you pay for. When installed properly this grade of deadbolt will drastically increase the security of your home.

A deadbolt made by Weiser Lock is an example of a good quality deadbolt lock in this grade. With a thicker and tapered housing to resist tearing the lock off the door, heavier bolts holding the lock on the door and a high security strike applied to the frame with heavy
2 1/2 to 3 inch screws that fasten to the stud behind the frame. Under normal circumstances, this lock will be secure and last for a very long time.

Grade 1 deadbolt locks made by manufacturers such as Weiser Lock and Schlage can be 2 to 4 times the cost of a grade 2 deadbolt. Now we are talking some tough and very good quality locks. A solid housing or a separate solid ring around the cylinder and with Schlage, a heavier bolt that extends into a higher security strike in the frame.

Your security is your choice, but an upgrade in deadbolts on your home is a one time cost and will not only increase your security but will give you and your family a secure peace of mind. Most Insurance Companies give the homeowner a 5 to 15% discount on your homeowners insurance policy.

I also recommend putting some high security locks on homes, this prevents a thief taking your key and having a duplicate key made then burglarizing your house with a key. Thieves do this to prevent the homeowner from knowing as soon as possible that there home has been broken into giving them time to get away with the crime.

If you have any exterior doors without Grade 2 to Grade 1 deadbolt locks, call us and we will be happy to help you.